This program is delivered in three parts – TRANSCEND + DRIVEN + AUDACIOUS.
It is a collation of three foundational programs on building confidence, believing in yourself and clearing your path.
Rising above and raising the bar.
Are you held back by the opinions of other people?
Are you do ready to rise about it all?
It’s time to raise the bar.
It’s time to turn down the volume on those whispers and turn up the dial on who you are ready to be.
6 x soul shaking video trainings
Join for me an 8 part adventure to:
Rediscover the fire in your belly.
Crank it up.
Drop the excuses.
Fall back in love with your biz.
Discover what it means to be soul driven.
Truly tune in.
Quit it with the “I don’t know where to start” cycle.
Driven is a shake up, an energetic kick up the butt, a catalyst for creativity, a conduit for change.
Creating courage to do big things in business.
The person you want to be is already there inside you.
She’s just hidden under layers of doubt, fear and societal expectations.
And here’s a secret. She’s always leaving you breadcrumbs. Those little inklings, the inspired thoughts that pop in when you let yourself imagine what could be possible.
Your desired-future-self is showing you every day.
The work is in shedding the layers, the work is in dropping the fears – so that you can hear her.
Get bucket loads of confidence, by generating it as a by-product of audacity, tenacity and courage.
8 x video trainings
Content is accessed via a membership site.
Glow Up & Grow – pay in full
$23 AUD